Monday, November 15, 2010

Today I am Thankful For...

Eric's Job
I complain about Eric's job a lot. It keeps him very, very busy. It is time consuming & keeps him from spending time with Little Miss & me a lot. It is a some what stressful job at times. It can be a very frustrating job. Some of the people he has to deal with are beyond frustrating. But I am thankful that he has a job. I know that there are a lot of people out there that don't. So I am very, very thankful for it & I know that we are blessed that he has such a good job (because even though I don't talk about them a lot, there are some great aspects of his job as well!!). So, today I am thankful for his job. A job that allows him to come home & eat lunch with us some days (even though we were at the grocery because he didn't tell us he was coming home to eat with us!)

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